Munshi Premchand Mahavidyalaya

Books & Chapters

Books & Chapters

Name of the teacherTitle of the book/chaptersTitle of the paperYearISBN NumberName of the publisherDocuments
Arun Kumar Sanfui, Ed.Myth hoye jawa bangla upanyas: 1990-2010(Edited Book) & Introduction) Prastabana2018978-93-81858-59-2PatralekhaView
Arun Kumar SanfuiBishay bhavnar boichittrye: bangla sahityaSwadhinata uttarparbe bangla natye anchalik sanlaper prayog2018978-81-93845-103EklavyaView
Subrata PaulLoksahitya sanskriti: bhinna barne bhinna drishtite(Edited Book & Chapter) Pyarimohaner bhawainya gan: prasanga shisha bhabana2018978-93-81858-50-9PatralekhaView
Bipasha ChoudhurySuchitra Bhattacharyer kathajagatNari moner mukure: Suchitra Bhattacharya2018978-93-82539-47-6United Book AgencyView
Bipasha ChoudhuryLoksahitya sanskriti: bhinna barne bhinna drishtiteHariye jawa rupkathaguli2018978-93-81858-50-9PatralekhaView
Nitai Saha, Tr.A green dove in silence: forty prose poema in translationThe fiery palas posture and homeland2018978-81-935295-5-3RubricView
Nitai Saha, Tr.A green dove in silence: forty prose poema in translationRajbari camp2018978-81-935295-5-3RubricView
Nitai Saha, Tr.A green dove in silence: forty prose poema in translationRuminating on 'A Green Dove in Silence'2018978-81-935295-5-3RubricView
Subashis BhattacharjeeMapping South Asian diaspora: recent responses and ruminationsHistories of post diaspora:neocultural prototyping in Hanif Kureishi's The Bddha of Suberbia and The Black Album2018978-81-316-0901-9RawatView
Subashis BhattacharjeeQueering visual cultures: representing sexual politics on stage and screenIntroduction: placing visual cultures in a queer context2018978-0-9950291-3-2Universitas PressView
Subashis BhattacharjeeLoksahitya sanskriti: bhinna barne bhinna drishtite(Edited Book & Chapter) Mythololizing folk cultures: reading folk literatures from a mythic-cultural perspective2018978-93-81858-50-9PatralekhaView
Tshering Lamu BhutiaIntegrating ICT with educationTranssending the horizons of education: The Gandhian vision2018978-933-89875-06-5APHView
Nitai Saha, Tr.A green dove in silence: forty prose poema in translationThe tale of ever flowing life2019978-81-935295-5-3RubricView
Arun Kumar SanfuiSwadhinata parabarti bangla upanyas: kichu prasangaAjitesh Bandyapadhyayer valo legechilo: natakkarer upanyas bhavna2019978-93-87751-248SomView
Arun Kumar SanfuiManoj Mitra o chak bhanga madhuChak bhanga madhu: manche nepathye2019978-93-88988-1816Bangiya Sahitya SamsadView
Arun Kumar SanfuiDena paonaDena paona theke shodoshi: manche nepathye2019978-93-8700-3231DiyaView
Nitai SahaIndian writing in english: from colonial modernity to the postcolonial postmodernDerozio and the birth of a nationalist tradition in Indian poetry in english: an overview2019978-93-522512-09Books WayView
Nitai SahaIndian writing in english: from colonial modernity to the postcolonial postmodernLocating the local in Indian poetry in english: a study of Jayanta Mahapatra2019978-93-522512-09Books WayView
Subashis BhattacharjeeNew Women's writing: contextualising fiction, poetry and philosophy(Edited Book) Introduction2020978-1-5275-0814-9Cambridge ScholarsView
Arun Kumar SanfuiVividarthasangraha patrikar itihas o rachanapanji(Book)2020978-93-81858-301PatralekhaView
Arun Kumar SanfuiVidyasagar o bangla theatre(Book)2020978-93-81858-48-6PatralekhaView
Subrata PaulKathasahitya Mastermashai(Edited Book & Chapter) Jogyan Pandit:Shikaer Adarsha o Aini Badha2020978-93-94618-22-0PatralekhaView
Arun Kumar SanfuiRajnarayan Baeur Diary Debogrihey Dianandin LIPI(Edited Book) Introduction2021987-93-81858-48-6PatralekhaView
Arun Kumar SanfuiRather Rasi Ultorrather Pala(Book)2021978-93-86508-95-9Bangiya Sahitya SamsadView
Arun Kumar SanfuiNirbachito GalpokathaNarayan Gangopadhayar Bana Jotshna Samayar Prem Padabali2021978-93-90717-12-5SopanView
Arun Kumar SanfuiFullaketur PalaFullaketur Pala Natakar Sanlap2021978-93-82094-09-8DiyaView
Arun Kumar SanfuiRobindranath Thakurer Chandalika Atmajagoraner PalaRobindranather Chandalika:Gathanshiler Andara2021978-93-90993-44-4BAngiya Sahitya SamsadView
Rajib SarkarAcademia: A Multidisciplinary BookThe History of the Concept of Thought and Consciousness about Nature in Senenteen-Eighteenth Century Bengal:a Historical Analysis2021978-93-92205-21-7CognitionView
Subashis BhattacharjeeJapanese horror culture(Edited Book) Introduction2021978-17936-47-061LexingtonView
Subrata Paul,Sahitye jubosamaj(Edited Book) Dipendranath Bandyapadhyayer choto galpo: prasanga jubo moner sankat o uttaran2021978-93-81858-51-78-3PatralekhaView
Arun Kumar SanfuiBangla choto galpo: bishaye o bishleshaneIzzat bidroher nibhanta sfulinga2022978-93-90993-79-6Bangiya Sahitya SamsadView
Arun Kumar SanfuiBangla choto galpo: bishaye o bishleshanePari:Jibaner jwar bhatar gan2022978-93-90993-79-6Bangiya Sahitya SamsadView
Rajib SarkarEnvironmental issues and viable participation through literary perspectiveEcocriticism and its perspectives: interdisciplinary study of literature and environment2022978-93-91314-29-3ThomsonView
Rajib SarkarSamaj darshan o sahitye nana prasangaPrak chaitnya juger (panchadas shatak) bangla sahityer prakriti bishayak chinta o chetanar itihas2022CognitionView
Ritu ChhetriYoga and Health education(Book)2022978-93-85375-25-5N. L.View
Subashis BhattacharjeeTony Morrison's beloved: a critical companion(Edited Book & Chapter) Why Tony Morrison's beloved?202297-93-82267-92-8WorldviewView
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