Human Values and Professional Ethics
Human Values And Professional Ethics
- Its employers
- The people they serve.
- Other similar or different professions
- Profession as a collectivity
- Public interest (counting as social responsibility).
We can have a look into the other part of Professional Ethics, the part that encompasses the persons involved in the professional system and their reactions. The conjunction ‘and’ occurring between the two constituents of the other part points to a kind of relation between them. Indeed, it is a deep and interdependent relation that needs to be articulated. Every professional being engages himself in his professional duty in a unique way. The sense of value within him directs him to choose the manner of performing the respective actions. Humans have the unique ability to define their identity. They choose their values and establish their beliefs in the real world. Values form the basis of their thoughts and behaviour and actions. Values constitute the guideline in the sphere of human activity. Obviously, here we are referring to personal human values. But this notion can also be understood in a general sense which is also of similar importance in this domain.
Professional values are described as emotional beliefs formed by human beings out of their interactions with their experience in the external world. The favourable and unfavourable experiences help a professional person to form primary understanding . Once it is formed in a gross and indistinct way, it associates with his emotions and guides his choice. Once we identify what is valuable to us and set the right goal, the sense of value becomes the anchor of our actions. To fulfil our aspiration for values we have to participate in the respective action skilfully. In other words, this sense of value determines whether or not we should expend energy to do something. The person who values life will set out his plans differently from the person who values gold. Thus, values are the scale we use to weigh our actions – in moving towards or away from something.
It has been mentioned earlier that emotional beliefs are formed by human beings by comparing different desirable and undesirable factors in their experiences. This process of construction is a continuous one. There is also the influence of society on formation of value system within the atmosphere of experiences. It thus evolves in a socio-cultural milieu.
It should also be mentioned that not all values have same weight or priority. The important one must be satisfied before others can be addressed. We must allow that there is a hierarchy of human need which may vary from person to person. Generally we can say survival has a higher priority than security while the latter one has a higher priority than social acceptance.
Apart from these considerations of personal value system, there are definitely some universal values which are to be recognised by human beings in general. These are the principles that promote the well-being of the human race and prevent harm. Basically, all of us know what really is required to achieve the human happiness and happiness to all and for all time. Love is called the complete value – as it gives the feeling of relatedness to all human beings. But as there is diversity in the use of the term, it is difficult to form a general principle regarding the universal love.
Munshi Premchand Mahavidyalaya inculcates soft and tender feelings to its stakeholders. Our journey is from re-activeness to understanding and sympathy to empathy. The college works towards building up emotional intelligence among the students and faculty. We organise, seminars, conferences, Talks and webinars towards this.