Munshi Premchand Mahavidyalaya


General guidelines

Guidelines for Four Year Under Graduate Program with Honours with Research

Students who secure 75% marks and above in the first six semesters and wish to undertake research at the undergraduate level can choose a research stream in the fourth year. They should do a research project or dissertation in the major discipline under the guidance of a faculty member of the University/College in the eighth semester. The research outcomes of their project work may be published in peer- reviewed journals or may be presented in conferences /seminars or may be patented.


No student will be allowed to take the end semester written Examination if the student concerned has not attended minimum of 75% of the classes held in the course concerned and also in other curricular components.

Other Regulations

Reservation of Seats: There will be reservation of seats for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/ Differently Able Candidates as per Government Rules. For differently-able candidates’ minimum disability at least 40% will be considered.

Session Gap: For admission to the Undergraduate Program there should not be a gap of more than 3 years between the year of Higher Secondary Examination and the year of admission to Undergraduate Program of study.

Session Break: Students who exit with Undergraduate Certificate or Undergraduate Diploma, are permitted to re-enter within 3 (three) year and complete the Degree Program. Students are also permitted to take a break from the study, during the period of study, but the total duration for completing the program will not exceed seven years.

Admission on Transfer: If a student has been admitted to a College, he/she/transgender will not, except as otherwise provided in the Ordinances, be subsequently admitted to any other College without the production of a Transfer Certificate from the Principal of the College in which he/she/transgender studied last.

A student admitted to a College, will not ordinarily be allowed to take transfer to any other College, except at the end of a semester. If an application for transfer is made at any time, other than at the end of a Semester, on the ground of (a) transfer of the parent / guardian of the student from the station at which the College is situated, or (b) reasoned need for a change on the ground of health supported by proper medical evidence, or any other sufficient reason, the Principal may grant the transfer.

A student may apply for transfer within one month from the date of publication of semester end examination and the student should qualify all the previous semester examinations without any back paper(s).

Admission on Transfer should be abided by the following stipulations

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