Munshi Premchand Mahavidyalaya

Rules & Regulation

Rules & Regulations

Quiet Zone: Maintain a quiet and studious environment within the library premises. Conversations should be kept to a minimum, and all electronic devices must be set to silent mode.
ID card Requirement: Students must present a valid college identification card to access library services. Non-college members may be allowed with special permission from library staff.
Borrowing Materials:
a. Books may be borrowed for a specified period.
b. Renewals are allowed twice, unless the item is on hold for another patron.
c. Return borrowed materials on or before the due date to avoid fines.
Reserving Materials: Students can reserve books that have currently been checked out. Reserved items will be held for a limited time after notification.
Food and Drinks: Consumption of food is strictly prohibited in the library. Only sealed water bottles are allowed. Keep the library clean by disposing of trash appropriately.
Cell Phones: Keep mobile phones on silent mode.
Collaborative Spaces: Respect designated collaborative study areas for group discussions and teamwork. Keep noise levels at a minimum to ensure a conducive environment for all users.
Personal Belongings: Do not leave personal belongings unattended. The library is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Library Staff Assistance: Seek assistance from library staff for finding materials, using library resources, and other queries.
Special Collections: Handle all collections with care. Some materials may only be available for reference and not for borrowing.
Library Hours: Adhere to library opening and closing hours. Plan your visit accordingly to avoid disruptions during closing time.
Code of Conduct: Follow the college’s code of conduct within the library. Any disruptive or disrespectful behavior may result in temporary or permanent suspension of library privileges.
Failure to comply with these rules may lead to disciplinary action, including fines, suspension of library privileges, or other measures deemed appropriate by the college authorities.

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