Vision, Mission, Goal

To provide every student with a conducive environment and quality education to obtain knowledge, skills, and values which, in turn, would aid in attaining his/her career goals with a strong emphasis on personality development.
The curriculum helps students develop key life skills for their future professional and societal roles. Their experiences at college are designed to facilitate self-development and nurturing them to become aware, active and enthusiastic members of society.
The faculty has consistently strived to contemporize its academic content and implement new technological knowledge in the field of Humanities. Courses address a wealth of academic disciplines within Humanities such as language and literatures, history, geography, politics, economics and education.
- To train our students adopting the latest Teaching-Learning methodologies.
- To equip the students with adequate employability skills and knowledge, inter personal skills and global outlook to gain meaningful employment on completion of their studies. All curricular, co-curricular and extension activities ensure the purpose.
- To develop critical and independent thinking of students to face the various challenges both in academic field as well as in their personal life.
- Increase the diversity of the students, faculty, and staff to enhance the multicultural and cosmopolitan nature of the campus.
- Work to inculcate high moral and ethical values amongst the students to make them responsible citizens and good human beings.