Munshi Premchand Mahavidyalaya

Dr. Nitai Saha

Name : Dr. Nitai Saha
Department : English
Designation : Associate Professor
Email Id.
Phone No. 9832038571

Academic Qualification

  • M.A.
  • M.Phil.
  • Ph.D.

Area of Specialisation

American Literature, 20th Century British Poetry, Indian Writings in English, Translation etc.

Books published/Publications

  • Eugene O’Neill’s The Emperor Jones
  • “Unquiet Dreams: On Rereading W.B. Yeats’s Poetry”
  • “Studies in R.K. Narayan’s The English Teacher”
  • “Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe: Context, Text and Criticism”
  • “T.S. Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral: A Critical Spectrum”
  • “Studies in Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex”
Some Articles/Chapters published in edited books
  1. “Brave New World’’: kamala Das’s Poetic World Revisited”
  2. “Rereading Indira Parthasarathy’s Aurangzeb as religio-political diatribe beneath a historical facade”
  3. “W.B. Yeats: An Unaging Intellect”
  4. “Small is beautiful”: Relocating Highbury as a Locale in Jane Austen’s Emma”
  5. “Becket’s passage towards “The Still Center of Eternity”: The Role of the knights in the prelude to martyrdom”
  6. A passage from Euclio’s “Miserliness to Redemption: Critiquing Plautus’s The Pot of gold”
  7. “Vaishali Hamlet’s Mind Trap: Celebration of the “Eternal Spirit of the Chainless Mind’’
  8. “An Unheroic Hero”: Critiquing Achilles’ Portrayal in Homer’s “The Iliad”
  9. “An Old man’s eagle mind” A Study of W.B Yeats’ the post The Tower poems
  10. “W.B Yeats and folklore: A Critical Perspective ‘’
  11. “…God and the Mask – Unmasking Dionysus in Aristophanes’s The Frogs”
  12. “Man is (not) made for Defeat: The Predicament of Frederic Henry in a Farewell to Arms”
  13. “Mothers Write Back: J.M. Synge’s Riders to the Sea and Mahasweta Devi’s Mother of 1084”
  14. “A Doll’s House”—A Critique of Gyno-centric World in Revolt in Vijay Tendulkar’s Kamala”
  15. ‘those weaker glories…’: Showcasing ‘the brainsick king’ in Edward the Second”
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